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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Chicken

Since cooking has become my new hobby, I thought I would start sharing my Pinterest masterpieces!! Pinterest is wonderful, yes it has links to all sorts of websites but lets be honest, the best websites are cooking blogs! I don't have a cook book, I just use Pinterest! 

Anyway, Blaze and I have a new favorite. it is super delicious but probably not very nutritious. It is bacon wrapped chicken! I mean how can you go wrong if bacon is involved right.

So here are the ingredients: 
4-6 Boneless skinless tenderloins
4-6 pieces of bacon
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream

Simply wrap the chicken in bacon then top with soup and sour cream. Cover with foil and bake at 225 for four hours then uncover and cook at 350 for fifteen minutes! It may not look pretty, but it tastes like heaven! I suggest you try it


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